Something for everyone!


Join one of our community programs or third party programs offered at our hall and connect with neighbours.

Community Programs

Third Party Programs at our Hall


We are proud to be able to provide soccer programs for children the age of 4-16 years of age. Games and practice are once or twice a week, depending on the age group. The season starts late April (weather permitting) to the end of June each year. Blueberry soccer league registration is available at the beginning of February until mid March. 

Register today! Deadline March 10, 2023. 


Funball is open for boys and girls ages 4-15. Games are once a week. Practices are left up to the discretion of individual coaches. The season runs approximately mid April to the last week of June each year. Blueberry league registration is available at the beginning of February until mid March. 

Register today! Deadline March 12, 2023. 

Bingo Sign Up Form

Click the below button to view available shifts and sign up for yours today!


Blueberry Playschool is a non-profit co-operative program for children 3-5 years old that has been in operation since 1983. We are governed by an Executive of volunteer parents who are voted in at the Annual General Meeting each Fall. For more information please click the button below to visit their website. 

Tri-Muni Cornhole League

Cornhole (also known as sack toss, or bean bag toss) is a lawn game popular in North America in which players or teams take turns throwing fabric bean bags at a raised, angled board with a hole in its far end. The goal of the game is to score points by either landing a bag on the board (one point) or putting a bag through the hole (three points). First, one to 21 points wins! To register or for more information please click the button below to visit their website. 


We serve both boys and girls from Stony Plain and Parkland County from the age of 5 to 26 years old.

Beavers (5-7) embark on adventures like camping, hiking, playing games and even having campfires—all the while making great new friends along the way!

Cubs (8-10) explore new challenges and plan adventures as a Pack. Together, they navigate the very same jungle that Mowgli roamed in The Jungle Book.

Scouts (11-14) take Adventure to the next level—planning becomes more hands-on as the Troop blazes their own trail.

Venturers (15-17) explore their own capabilities and experience an exciting variety of adventures with others who share their passion to “Climb Higher”.

Rovers (18-26) enjoy good times with others who share their values and challenge themselves with personal goals for future success, with support from a mentor.

To register or for more information please click the button below to visit their website or Facebook page.

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